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Galera venho  aqui pedir a vocês que votem no meu amigo Ivan, o link é esse aqui Tenham certeza que é muito importante pra ele e pra mim. Agradeço desde já. 


Total de visitas: 34508
ColorJoint Object Generation [PROGRAMA]
ColorJoint Object Generation [PROGRAMA]

Generating an object
  1. Copy your map's XML and paste it in the text area above
  2. Select the object you want to generate from the dropdown list
  3. Choose the ground to replace with the object from the objects list (use the ground's Z index)
  4. Click Generate Object - the new XML will go in the text area
  5. Copy the new XML and load it in the map editor
Uploading an object
  1. Paste the XML containing your object in the text area above
  2. Choose the ground connected to your object from the dropdown list (use the ground's Z index)
  3. Click Upload Object
  4. Type in the name of your object (i.e. Pokéball)
  5. Type in your username (for credit)